Do Certain Dental Cleanings Cost More?
This is a question our dentists in Herndon VA have been asked many times before. Hence, a dedicated post that addresses it is an order. So the short answer is – yes. For the long one, keep on reading!
Prophylaxis is the term you’re looking for
It’s a way of preventing tooth decay. In case you haven’t visited a local dentist in Herndon VA in quite a while, tartar and plaque can build up to such a level that brushing alone does not suffice. As you can see, cleaning your teeth regularly is more than just a chore – it will save you a potentially costly dental procedure.
Neglecting regular cleanings can lead to periodontal disease
Failing to clean your teeth regularly can result in tooth decay, swollen gums, bad breath… and the list goes on. But the good news is that if you adhere to your cleaning schedule, you won’t have to deal with such problems in the first place. And if you address them in the early stages, a visit to your local dentist Herndon VA can reverse them.
The consequences of neglecting your oral hygiene can be devastating
Gingivitis, if left untreated, can lead to periodontitis. If it gets to this stage, no at-home cleaning procedure can help you and a visit to your Herndon VA dentist is imminent. At this point, be prepared for intensive cleaning sessions that can take months. But if you’ve let matters come this far, it means that you’re not taking your oral hygiene seriously enough.
Fail to clean your teeth regularly, and you’re setting yourself up for more than just dental problems
Having a bright smile is an important aspect of remaining confident. While your outer appearance is by no means the measure of a man, it’s a necessary component of functioning in our society and keeping your opportunities open. Leave your periodontitis untreated, and a gap in your smile will be the least of your troubles. Did you know that bone loss could occur because of it? Once it gets to this point, you can experience a shift in your bite. The more teeth you part ways with, the more of an effect this has. As a result, your local dentist in Herndon VA may decide to proceed with bone grafting procedures and antibiotics to treat the infection.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
It’s just as the old saying goes, and you can ask all the dentists in Herndon VA to confirm. The purpose of writing about this is that, although we’re professionally trained to handle such dental conditions, we’re even happier to know that you’ve done everything in your power to not let things progress this far. Besides, it saves you money. And if you’re worried there’s something in your mouth that shouldn’t be there, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your Herndon VA dentist today.
Although no one likes a visit to the dentist, sometimes it’s a necessity, as waiting for longer than you should could lead to even more expensive treatments down the road. But as with many things in life, the decision to mind your dental health at all times lies in your hands.